Veronica Sanders

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Veronica Sanders, Dallas Interior Design

Veronica Sanders, Dallas Interior Designer, moves mountains and shapes living spaces

Veronica Sanders followed her dream with tenacity and rose above the adversity of single teen mom. She knew she wanted more for her family and herself, so she used her grit determination to achieve high honors in interior design school and excel in her business. She is now stepping up as the 44th President of the American Society of Interior Designers Texas Chapter. A huge achievement from where she was before, with no career path or defined goals. Veronica Sanders has certainly made a name for herself and we admire her for that!

What does Veronica Sanders do in a home?

Veronica starts with a Vision Session for every client. She goes through what her clients’ needs are, whether it’s a media room, a new living space, redesigning the color scheme in a bedroom, or stylizing an entire home! Veronica starts with the basics and gets to know her people. She’ll provide color swatches, 3D renderings, vision boards and all the drawings to help her clients see what she sees. Then she gets the gears in motion to work with fellow professionals bringing her vision to life. The whole process is seamless from start to finish!

Some of her recent work includes converting a bachelor pad into a upscale home suited for a family, upgrading a bonus room into an entertaining suite and transforming a blah bedroom into a tranquil and interesting home retreat. She provides a very similar service to her clients as we do for ours. We appreciate that she takes the time to get to know her people and give them exactly what they want, all while incorporating her own style.

Pops of traditional African culture in her work

Looking at Veronica’s design style, we love that she incorporates a little bit of African flair. The complex patterns, bold colors and different textures set her apart. You look at a design that Veronica put together and you just know it’s her! Modern but traditional, all blended together beautifully. We love the things she puts together; our style and hers would marry perfectly.

Veronica Sanders
DVS Branding Shoot

Let’s hear from Veronica Sanders herself!

“My path to entrepreneurship has been truly inspiring. I started as a determined teen mom with no clear career direction. Through hard work, I graduated in the top 25% of my class, earning scholarships to attend college. Despite transferring schools twice, my passion for interior design never wavered. Thanks to scholarships from ASID (American Society of Interior Designers), I completed my senior year of college.

I began my career as an intern, eventually becoming a project manager and lead designer for Mikel Welch. I designed homes for celebrities and worked on the Steve Harvey Show makeovers. My designs were published in magazines and won awards. The most memorable one was the Halle Berry logo design contest.

In 2019, I faced job loss but turned it into an opportunity. Starting my own business in January 2020, I navigated the pandemic’s challenges. Now, in my third year of business, I proudly serve as the first African-American president of ASID Texas Chapter @asid_tx committed to promoting diversity!”

Interview with American Society of Interior Designers/ASID 2023
Veronica Sanders

Need to know more? Here’s how to contact her!

Check out her website, follow her on Facebook and Instagram, plus you can find her featured in many local publications!

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